Essential Consideration when Buying Rainwater Tank for Farming

Moving to rural Australia can be beneficial for someone tired of city life. Rural life is quiet, the air is cleaner and dwellers have access to fresh produce. Besides, starting a farm in rural Australia in refreshing. However, you need access to a reliable water source for successful farming. It makes a rainwater tank a mandatory requirement for a serious farmer. Even if you have bore water, a rainwater tank is still essential, considering the prolonged droughts associated with the country. However, you must consider certain factors before buying a rainwater tank for your farm needs.

Extra Gutter System 

Most rural farmers install a gutter system on the main house to direct rainwater to a tank. However, what happens to rainwater that lands on a water tank? Do you let the water flow to the ground and rely on a gutter system to collect rainwater from your roof? While you can fill an average water tank with a gutter system during the wet season, you need a better system if you have several big tanks. Water tanks equipped with a gutter system are the perfect alternative because they collect rainwater that lands directly on the container's roof. It is essential during the short rains because the extra gutter system allows your tanks to fill faster.

Dust Protection

Dust is not a significant issue for properties in the cities and suburbs. Therefore, you can get away with a rainwater tank that does not have dust protection. Moreover, homeowners that store rainwater in water tanks only use it for domestic purposes, such as watering the garden, washing cars, or cleaning a driveway. However, Australia's rural parts have a significant dust issue, which poses a problem to rainwater quality. Since you need rainwater for livestock, cooking, and washing, it must be free of dust. Therefore, the rainwater tank you buy must prevent dust from getting in. Rainwater tanks specially designed for rural usage have soft foam strips that sit between the container's roof and the top of its wall. The foam creates an airtight seal that prevents dust from gaining entry into the tank.

Durable Construction Material 

Rainwater tanks are made from different materials, and the one you choose determines rainwater quality, maintenance and durability. Since you are less likely to move from a rural property, you must choose a durable material. Concrete and stainless steel rainwater tanks are the most durable, making them ideal for rural use. Additionally, concrete and steel tanks are the easiest to maintain.

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Farming and Fun

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